Our Club
Our objectives…
The objectives of the Club will be to foster and encourage the inter-change of ideas between Bakers and Confectioners of Britain and other countries and to arrange meetings, demonstrations, discussions and social functions to further these objectives.
To always remember that to craftsmen, language need be no barrier to communication for through their craftsmanship they can “speak with their hands”.
What we do…
To encourage International Friendship, particularly between Bakers and Confectioners of all countries.
To foster and encourage the interchange of ideas and information regarding the craft from one to another.
Cultivate and promote the exchange of experience and continuing education in the field of bakery, pastry and confectionery actively.
Organize meetings, professional demonstrations and discussions aimed at improving professional knowledge.
Promote collaboration and the promotion of friendly relations between its members and to related sectors.
Promote product innovation, respect for tradition and quality.
For members to promote and participate in competitions for bakery, pastry and confectionery both nationally and internationally.